Monday, February 4, 2013

Linnea Smith

Linnea Smith was born on January 29th at 3:34 am.  She weighed 1 lb 3.5 oz.  and was about 12 inches long.  She lived 4 minutes, passing away at 3:38 am.  She was born at 23 weeks gestation, the same as her sister Savannah.

Soon after I found out I was pregnant, I knew it was a girl because the pregnancy was just like my other "girl" pregnancies, so I was certain.  I knew then that I wanted to use the name Linnea.  It's the longer version of my name, but I always liked it better.  Lance didn't want to use Linnea because it sounds so similar to my name, he thought that would be confusing.  Eventually I gave up on the idea of Linnea and we started with a new list of possibilities: Dannika, Quinci or Naomi.

But once she was born, and we knew we wouldn't get to raise her, Linnea seemed like the right name after all.

 If you click on the picture below you can get a better look at Linnea.  I don't have that picture on the computer.  It is one the hospital took and I only got a copy of it.  She is in mine and Lance's hands in that picture.  She had dark hair, and a mouth just like Sydney's.
 She is buried at Rest Lawn Memorial, the next gravesite down from Savannah's.  That worked out very nicely, so I can visit them both at the same time.

 Gary, Mom, and my sister Trisha

 Mom and I

 With some of my sisters, Trisha and Shannon

Here is a music video from an LDS singer about losing a baby.  I just happened upon it while trying to plan something for primary.

1 comment:

  1. Linae,
    I'm so sorry for your loss and wish I could have been there to give you a big hug and support you. I have been thinking about you a lot since you lost linnea and hope that you are doing well. I imagine it's such a hard thing to go through. You are an amazing, strong person.
